

See [[Robots/CIR-KIT-Unit03]] for instructions and tutorials.

== Overview ==

The `cirkit_unit03_base` package contains a node for communicating with the CIR-KIT-Unit03 MCU, and launch files to bring up the CIR-KIT-Unit03 control and diagnostic systems. The `cirkit_unit03_node` hardware interface is configured through the [[cirkit_unit03_control]] package.

#!clearsilver CS/NodeAPI
node.0 {
 name = cirkit_unit03_node
 desc = Control and communication node for CIR-KIT-Unit03 MCU. Includes [[ros_control]] integration via [[steer_drive_controller]].
 pub {
  0.name= steer_drive_controller/odom
  0.type= nav_msgs/Odometry
  0.desc= Odometry information from CIR-KIT-Unit03 MCU.
sub {
  1.name= steer_drive_controller/cmd_vel
  1.type= geometry_msgs/Twist
  1.desc= Twist velocity command for CIR-KIT-Unit03 MCU, muxed in [[cirkit_unit03_control]]. External clients should publish to bare `cmd_vel` topic.

## CategoryPackage