## repository: https://code.ros.org/svn/wg-ros-pkg

== The controller interface ==

To implement a real time controller, your controller needs to inherit from the `pr2_controller_interface::Controller` base class. The base class contains 
 * four methods you need to implement: init, starting, update and stopping, and
 * one method you can call: getController.

The base class looks like this:

#!cplusplus block=controller
namespace pr2_controller_interface
  class Controller
    virtual bool init(pr2_mechanism_model::RobotState *robot, 
                     ros::NodeHandle &n);
    virtual void starting();
    virtual void update();
    virtual void stopping();

    bool getController(const std::string& name, 
                       int sched, 
                       ControllerType*& c);

The image below gives the flowchart that shows in what order these four methods are called (more details in the text below).


=== Initializing the controller ===
The `init` method is executed in '''non-realtime'''.
<<CodeRef(controller, 6, 7)>>
The `init` method is called when you load a controller, to initialize the controller. Note that initializing a controller is independent of starting it: the initialization can be done any amount of time before starting the controller. The `init` method takes two arguments:
 * '''robot''': this is a `pr2_mechanism_model::RobotState` that describes the robot model (see [[pr2_mechanism_model]]). The model provides access to the robot joints (actuators, encoders, etc.), and contains a kinematic/dynamic description of the robot mechanism.
 * '''n''': this `ros::NodeHandle` is the "namespace" of the controller. In the namespace of this node handle, the controller can read configuration from the parameter server, advertise topics, etc.

The `init` method returns if the initialization was successful or not. If the initialization fails, the controller will get unloaded by [[pr2_controller_manager]]. Make sure to always use `ROS_ERROR("explanation");` to inform the user why your controller failed to initialize. A controller can only be initialized once. If you want to re-initialize a controller, you first need to unload it, and then load it again. 

=== Starting the controller ===
The `starting` method is executed in '''hard realtime'''.
<<CodeRef(controller, 8, 8)>>
The starting method is called once every time a controller is started, by the [[pr2_controller_manager|controller manager]]. Starting is executed in the same cycle as the first update call, right before this update call. 

The `starting` method initializes the controller right before the first time update is called. The [[pr2_controller_manager|controller manager]] is allowed to re-start a controller at a later time, without having to unload/load the controller.

=== Updating the controller ===
The `update` method is executed in '''hard realtime'''.
<<CodeRef(controller, 9, 9)>>
The `update` method of every controller is called periodically by [[pr2_controller_manager]] at a frequency of 1000 Hz. This means that the execution time of all controllers combined cannot take more than 1 mili-second. In the update loop, the real control work is done. 

=== Stopping the controller ===
The `stopping` method is executed in '''hard realtime'''.

<<CodeRef(controller, 10, 10)>>
The `stopping` method is called once every time a controller is stopped. Stopping is executed in the same cycle as the last update call, right after this update call.

The `stopping` method does not return anything, it is not allowed to fail. 

=== Requesting a pointer to another controller ===
The `getController` method is executed in '''non-realtime'''.
<<CodeRef(controller, 12, 14)>>
The `getController` method allows a controller to get a pointer to another controller. This is used to create a "chain" of controllers, where each controller sends its output to the next controller, '''in realtime'''. This system is a poor replacement of the non-realtime ROS communication.

The `getController` method takes three arguments:
 * '''name''': a string with the name of the controller you would like to get a pointer to.
 * '''sched''': An int (ENUM) this specifies if the requested controller should be executed before or after your controller. Possible values are `pr2_controller_interface:BEFORE_ME` and `pr2_controller_interface::AFTER_ME`.
 * '''c''' This is a pointer to the controller you requested, with the type matching the type of the requested controller. The type is also the template argument for the `getController` method.

## CategoryPackage
## CategoryPackageWG
## controller interface controller interface 
## controller interface controller interface 
## controller interface controller interface 
## controller interface controller interface 
## controller interface controller interface 
## controller interface controller interface 
## controller interface controller interface 
## controller interface controller interface 
## controller interface controller interface 
## controller interface controller interface 
## controller interface controller interface 
## controller interface controller interface 
## controller interface controller interface 
## controller interface controller interface