Only released in EOL distros:
urdf_tools: arm_kinematics | joint_state_publisher | simmechanics_to_urdf | simmechanics_tutorial | urdf_python | urdf_tutorial
Package Summary
A generic package for computing both forward and backward kinematics for arms. Developed as an alternative to pr2_arm_kinematics for people not using the PR2.
- Author: David Lu!!
- License: BSD
- Source: svn
This package is intended to be a generic version of pr2_kinematics. The main purpose is to do solid arm kinematics for ANY robot.
Forward and backward kinematics for a solid armServices
~get_ik (kinematics_msgs/GetPositionIK)- Get the inverse kinematics
- Get the inverse kinematics solver info
- Get the forward kinematics
- Get the forward kinematics solver info
urdf_xml (String, default: robot_description)- Parameter name for where the URDF xml is located.
- Contents of the URDF xml
- URDF Link name specifying the first element of the kinematic chain
- URDF Link name specifying the last element of the kinematic chain
- Maximum number of iterations to use when calculating inverse kinematics
- Epsilon used in inverse kinematics calculations