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Package Summary
This package implements a sound play module using text2wave and aplay through python.
- Author: Florian Weisshardt
- License: LGPL
- Repository: care-o-bot
- Source: git
Package Summary
This package implements a sound play module using text2wave and aplay through python.
- Author: Florian Weisshardt
- License: LGPL
- Source: git (branch: release_electric)
Package Summary
This package implements a sound play module using text2wave and aplay through python.
- Author: Florian Weisshardt
- License: LGPL
- Source: git (branch: release_fuerte)
Package Summary
This package implements a sound play module using text2wave and aplay through python.
- Author: Florian Weisshardt
- License: LGPL
- Source: git (branch: groovy)
Package Summary
This package implements a sound play module using text2wave and aplay through python.
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Nadia Hammoudeh Garcia <nhg AT ipa.fhg DOT de>
- Author: Florian Weisshardt
- License: LGPL
- Source: git (branch: hydro_release_candidate)
Package Summary
This package implements a sound play module using text2wave and aplay through python.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Felix Messmer <felixmessmer AT gmail DOT com>, Benjamin Maidel <benjamin.maidel AT mojin-robotics DOT de>
- Author: Florian Weisshardt, Benjamin Maidel
- License: Apache 2.0
- Source: git (branch: indigo_release_candidate)
Package Summary
This package implements a sound play module using text2wave and aplay through python.
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Felix Messmer <felixmessmer AT gmail DOT com>, Benjamin Maidel <benjamin.maidel AT mojin-robotics DOT de>
- Author: Florian Weisshardt, Benjamin Maidel
- License: Apache 2.0
- Source: git (branch: kinetic_release_candidate)
Package Summary
This package implements a sound play module using text2wave and aplay through python.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Felix Messmer <felixmessmer AT gmail DOT com>, Benjamin Maidel <benjamin.maidel AT mojin-robotics DOT de>
- Author: Florian Weisshardt, Benjamin Maidel
- License: Apache 2.0
- Source: git (branch: kinetic_release_candidate)
Package Summary
This package implements a sound play module using text2wave and aplay through python.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Felix Messmer <felixmessmer AT gmail DOT com>, Benjamin Maidel <benjamin.maidel AT mojin-robotics DOT de>
- Author: Florian Weisshardt, Benjamin Maidel
- License: Apache 2.0
- Source: git (branch: kinetic_release_candidate)
You can use TTS speach output by using the cob_script_server.
Starting Sound
NOTE: If you login remotely via ssh, login without -X.
roslaunch cob_sound sound.launch
You can either call and action or a service, e.g.
rosservice call /sound/say "Hello, my name is Care-O-bot."
You can mute and unmute the output
rosservice call /sound/mute rosservice call /sound/unmute
Using festival
By default festival is used.
Using cepstral
For cepstral you need to buy a license key.
For using cepstral instead of festival please set the mode to cepstral with
rosparam set /sound/mode cepstral
Installing cepstral vices and license
Download and install voice. Adopted from this tutorial.
Download a voice file from
- e.g. Linux 32bit or 64bit, US English, David:
wget wget
- e.g. Linux 32bit or 64bit, US English, Diane:
wget wget
- e.g. Linux 32bit or 64bit, German, Matthias:
wget wget
- e.g. Linux 32bit or 64bit, German, Katrin:
wget wget
- unpack and install
tar xzvf Cepstral_David_x86-64-linux_6.2.3.873.tar.gz cd Cepstral_David_x86-64-linux_6.2.3.873 sudo ./ sudo touch /etc/ sudo sh -c 'echo "/opt/swift/lib" > /etc/' sudo ldconfig
* apply fix for Ubuntu > 12.04
roscd cob_sound sudo ./
if that fix doesn't help, try to install alsa-oss
sudo apt-get install alsa-oss
and modify /usr/local/bin/swift_fix to contain
if test -x /usr/bin/padsp ; then exec aoss /opt/swift/bin/swift "$@" ; else exec /opt/swift/bin/swift "$@" ; fi
* Register voice with license (you need to buy a license from, for IPA robots ask UHR or FMW for license key)
sudo swift --reg-voice
Setting the sound volume
Either use alsamixer:
or use alsactl: For setting the sound to xx% use
amixer -c 1 set Speaker xx%
amixer -c 1 set PCM xx%
5% is a reasonable volume. To store the settings permanently, type
sudo alsactl store