Ecto - a framework for perception

Initially aimed at computer vision and perception research tasks, Ecto is a hybrid C++/Python framework for organizing computations as directed acyclic graphs of computing ‘cells’ connected by typed edges. These graphs are typically constructed via Python script and executed in a single process (and possibly multiple threads) by external schedulers. The computing nodes are written in C++ against a simple interface that naturally creates libraries of self-documenting, scriptable components and smooths the path from prototyping to testing to deployment.

Ecto itself is small, has minimal dependencies (C++, Boost, Python) and works with or without OpenCV, PCL, and ROS in any combination. We believe that Ecto allows vision and perception researchers to express their computational models in a natural fashion, obviating e.g. ROS time synchronizers and ROS nodelets in most cases.

The main documentation is located here:

For code/bugs, you can directly go here:

Wiki: ecto (last edited 2013-02-21 16:00:56 by VincentRabaud)