API review

Proposer: John Hsu

Present at review:

  • Bhaskara, Wim

Question / concerns / comments

  • I would like to propose keeping spawn_gazebo_model's functionalities, and put off more advanced API which will require a plugin based interface from last review, targeted for future release.

  • Current usage of spawn_gazebo_model:

    rosrun gazebo_tools spawn_gazebo_model -h
    Usage: ./gazebo_tools/bin/spawn_gazebo_model [param_name] [options]
      Example: ./gazebo_tools/bin/spawn_gazebo_model --help
      Example: ./gazebo_tools/bin/spawn_gazebo_model robot_description -x 10
      Example: ./gazebo_tools/bin/spawn_gazebo_model -i my_urdf_file.urdf -o gazebo_model.xml -x 10
      Example: ./gazebo_tools/bin/spawn_gazebo_model -e pr2_model
    Allowed options:
      -h [ --help ]               produce this help message
      -m [ --model-name ] arg     overwrite name of the gazebo model in simulation.
                                  If not specified, the model name defaults to the 
                                  name in urdf.
      -n [ --namespace ] arg      ROS namespace of the model spawned in simulation.
                                  If not specified, the namespace of this node is 
      -i [ --file-in ] arg        read input model from file, not from the 
                                  parameter server.  Do not specify param_name if 
                                  an input filename is provided.
      -o [ --file-out ] arg       write converted gazebo model xml to a file 
                                  instead, model is not spawned in simulation.
      -l [ --skip-joint-limits ]  do not enforce joint limits during urdf-->gazebo 
      -x [ --init-x ] arg         set initial x position of model.
      -y [ --init-y ] arg         set initial y position of model.
      -z [ --init-z ] arg         set initial z position of model.
      -w [ --yaw ] arg            set initial yaw (rz) of model.  application 
                                  orders are r-p-y.
      -p [ --pitch ] arg          set initial pitch (ry) of model.  application 
                                  orders are r-p-y.
      -r [ --roll ] arg           set initial roll (rx) of model.  application 
                                  orders are r-p-y.
      -e [ --remove ] arg         remove existing model in simulation (to be 

Meeting agenda

  • Change to
    rosrun gazebo_tools gazebo_model [options] <spawn|kill> <model_name>
      -h [ --help ]               produce this help message
      -p [ --param-name ] arg     spawn model from XML string on parameter server.
      -m [ --model-name ] arg     overwrite name of the gazebo model in simulation.
                                  If not specified, the model name defaults to the 
                                  name in urdf.
      -n [ --namespace ] arg      ROS namespace of the model spawned in simulation.
                                  If not specified, the namespace of this node is 
      -f [ --file-in ] arg        read input model from file, not from the 
                                  parameter server.  Do not specify param_name if 
                                  an input filename is provided.
      -o [ --file-out ] arg       write converted gazebo model xml to a file 
                                  instead, model is not spawned in simulation.
      -s [ --skip-joint-limits ]  do not enforce joint limits during urdf-->gazebo 
      -x [ --init-x ] arg         set initial x position of model, default to 0.
      -y [ --init-y ] arg         set initial y position of model, default to 0.
      -z [ --init-z ] arg         set initial z position of model, default to 0.
      -R [ --init-roll ] arg      set initial roll (rx) of model, default to 0.  application 
                                  orders are r-p-y.
      -P [ --init-pitch ] arg     set initial pitch (ry) of model, default to 0.  application 
                                  orders are r-p-y.
      -Y [ --init-yaw ] arg       set initial yaw (rz) of model, default to 0.  application 
                                  orders are r-p-y.
  • do type checking for each option. especially between -R and -r, -P and -p, -Y and -y.


Package status change mark change manifest)

  • /!\ Action items that need to be taken.

  • {X} Major issues that need to be resolved

Wiki: gazebo_tools/Reviews/2009-11-11 API Review (last edited 2009-11-13 23:56:59 by hsu)