Only released in EOL distros:  

Package Summary

This package uses openni_tracker to detect persons and provides tf of the footprint of the dominant person and a tf of the footprint of the group of detected persons.

  • Maintainer: Reiter Andreas <andreas AT reiter-stt DOT at>, Reisenberger Johannes <johannesreisenberger AT gmx DOT at>
  • Author: Reiter Andreas <andreas AT reiter-stt DOT at>, Reisenberger Johannes <johannesreisenberger AT gmx DOT at>
  • License: BSD
  • Source: git (branch: hydro-devel)


See the robin_people_detection node documentation.



This Node provides two tf between /base_footprint and /dominant_person, and /base_footprint and /group. The dominant Person is calculated by a weighted function from x and y distances (costs = x + 0.4*y). The group includes the average position of all detected persons. The z-coordinate of both tf is set to zero, to get the footprint of the person/group.


base_name (string)
  • Name of the parent frame for the provided transformations. Default: "/base_footprint".

Required tf Transforms

  • Transformation between the base footprint of the robot/kinect to the torso (can be more than 1) of the persons to detect.

Provided tf Transforms

  • Transformation from base footprint of the robot/kinect to the base footprint of the dominant person.
  • Transformation from base footprint of the robot/kinect to the base footprint of the group of persons.

Launch Files

Use roslaunch files to load this files.

Test People Detection

By calling

roslaunch robin_people_detection robin_people_detection.launch

one can test the people detection.

Wiki: robin_people_detection (last edited 2013-12-18 09:57:17 by JohannesReisenberger)