Package summary


  • "The AD-96TOF1-EBZ is a proven hardware platform for depth perception. When paired with processor board from the 96Boards eco system, it can be used for 3D software and algorithm development."

More details can be obtained by accessing the official site:


Setting up the SD card

The latest SD image can be downloaded from here, depending on the embedded platform used:

Updating the SD card

The instructions used for updating and building the SDK are presented bellow:

linaro@linaro-alip:~/workspace/github/aditof_sdk$ git pull
linaro@linaro-alip:~/workspace/github/aditof_sdk$ cd build
linaro@linaro-alip:~/workspace/github/aditof_sdk/build$ cmake -DDRAGONBOARD=1 -DWITH_ROS=on ..
linaro@linaro-alip:~/workspace/github/aditof_sdk/build$ make -j4  
  • Raspberry Pi 3,4

pi@raspberry:~/workspace/github/aditof_sdk$ git pull
pi@raspberry:~/workspace/github/aditof_sdk$ cd build
pi@raspberry:~/workspace/github/aditof_sdk/build$ cmake -DRASPBERRYPI=1 -DWITH_ROS=on ..
pi@raspberry:~/workspace/github/aditof_sdk/build$ make -j4
  • Nvidia Jetsons Nano

analog@jetson:~/workspace/aditof_sdk$ git pull
analog@jetson:~/workspace/aditof_sdk$ cd build
analog@jetson:~/workspace/aditof_sdk/build$ cmake -DJETSON=1 -DWITH_ROS=on ..
analog@jetson:~/workspace/aditof_sdk/build$ make -j4

Setting up the ROS environment

Depending on your operating system you must install one of the ROS distribution from the following link:

You must have the rviz package installed.


Installing the dependencies:

A full list of the required dependencies required to run the SDK and how to install them can be found bellow:

Install the ADI ToF SDK library with the ROS feature enabled:

git clone
cd aditof_sdk
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DWITH_EXAMPLES=off -DWITH_ROS=on -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/opt/glog;/opt/protobuf;/opt/websockets" ..
sudo cmake --build . --target install
cmake --build . --target aditof_ros_package


  • Visualize point cloud in rviz using USB connection:

cd catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch aditof_roscpp rviz_publisher.launch
  • Visualize point cloud in rviz using ethernet/wi-fi connection:

cd catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch aditof_roscpp rviz_publisher.launch ip:=""
  • Camera node for USB connection:

cd catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch aditof_roscpp camera_node.launch
  • Camera node for ethernet/Wi-Fi connection:

cd catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch aditof_roscpp camera_node.launch ip:=""

Replace the ip address from the commands above with your boards ip address.

More details are provided in the link attached bellow:

Wiki: AD-96TOF1-EBZ (last edited 2020-11-20 13:22:25 by SeptimiuVana)