ROS Software Maintainer: Blue Robotics
The BlueROV is a remotely operated underwater vehicle from Blue Robotics. It features Blue Robotics thrusters, a flight controller with ArduSub software, and a RaspberryPi running ROS.
The following packages have been created specifically for the BlueROV (and similar ROVs):
- ROV Prerequisites
A list of the prerequisites to using an ROV with this package.
- Flashing an SD Card with Ubuntu
Instructions to install the operating system onto the ROV's computer.
- Wifi Network Setup
Instructions for setting up a wifi link to aid in development.
- Tether Network Setup
Instructions to setup the tether between the ROV and the surface computer.
- Install BlueROV ROS Packages
Instructions for installing the bluerov and bluerov_apps packages.
- Basic ROV Usage
Instructions for using your ROV.
- Intermediate ROV Usage
More instructions for using your ROV.
- teleop_joy
Instructions for using the teleop_joy node.