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Slam Map Building with Evarobot.

Description: How to generate a map using SLAM.

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER

Next Tutorial: Autonomous Navigation of a Known Map with Evarobot

System Overview


Map Building using evarobot_slam ROS Package

First, you need start Evarobot on the any Gazebo map.

> roslaunch evarobot_simulation (YOUR_MAP_LAUNCH_FILE_NAME).launch

After that, you can start SLAM.

> roslaunch evarobot_slam evarobot_slam.launch

For seeing the process, you need start RViz.

> roslaunch evarobot_simulation evarobot_rviz.launch

Use teleop_twist_keyboard package to move the Evarobot with keyboard.

> rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py

Save your new map to disk using map_saver from the map_server package:

> rosrun map_server map_saver -f $(rospack find evarobot_navigation)/map/map

Wiki: Robots/evarobot/noetic/Slam Map Building with Evarobot (last edited 2021-02-19 08:27:37 by AlimKeremErdoğmuş)