Camera1394 Problems
Camera Not Found
$ rosrun camera1394 camera1394_node _guid:=08001000821f2a [ INFO] [1277163420.502573259]: Found camera with GUID 8144361026320a0 [ INFO] [1277163420.536846060]: Found camera with GUID 800461000821fa2 [FATAL] [1277163420.537210073]: [camera] exception opening device: [Camera1394::open]: Could not find camera with guid 0800461000821f2a
- Is that the correct GUID? Note that in the example above it is not, the last two digits of 800461000821fa2 were mistyped.
- Use the correct GUID. Or, if there is only one camera, omit the GUID so the driver will connect to the first available.
Is the non-responsive camera plugged in correctly with an IEEE 1394 cable of the correct type? Is the camera getting power, either from the 1394 cable or from some other source?
- If not, correct the cabling.
Can coriander connect to the camera?
If so, carefully note the parameters provided by the device. Start the camera1394 driver using the same parameter values. If not, the camera may be hung.
No Bus Access Permissions
Could not initialize dc1394_context.
Does /dev/video0 exist?
$ ls -l /dev/video* crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81, 0 Feb 1 20:20 /dev/video0
Does your user ID have access permission?$ id uid=1001(joq) gid=1001(joq) groups=44(video),115(admin),1001(joq)
Grant your user ID access to group video.
No Images Shown
- Image blank or not changing.
$ rostopic hz camera/image_raw subscribed to [/camera/image_raw] average rate: 15.344 min: 0.049s max: 0.082s std dev: 0.01015s window: 14 average rate: 15.176 min: 0.049s max: 0.082s std dev: 0.00699s window: 29 average rate: 15.088 min: 0.049s max: 0.082s std dev: 0.00585s window: 44 average rate: 15.076
Does the message rate summary (shown above) appear periodically?
- If so, the driver is publishing data. Check that image users connect to the correct topic names.
Start the reconfigure_gui for this camera:
$ rosrun dynamic_reconfigure reconfigure_gui
Are the video_mode, frame_rate, and iso_speed parameters set as expected?
- If not, set the correct parameter values in the GUI.
Can coriander display images from this camera using the same combination of parameters?
Can coriander display images from this camera using the some combination of parameters?
If so, change the parameters to a combination that works. Otherwise, the camera is probably hung.
Camera Hung
- Many IIDC cameras are very sensitive to invalid combinations of parameters. The device firmware may lock up if commanded to do something impossible.
- Does the camera respond after resetting the 1394 bus?
# install package for Ubuntu or Debian distributions: $ sudo apt-get install libdc1394-utils $ dc1394_reset_bus
- Does the camera respond after its cable is disconnected and reconnected?
- Does the camera respond after the kernel drivers are unloaded and reloaded?
- Does the camera respond after the computer is rebooted?
- If so, restart the driver.
Slow Frame Rate
Camera is not achieving the commanded frame_rate
$ rostopic hz camera/image_raw subscribed to [/camera/image_raw] average rate: 15.027 min: 0.054s max: 0.081s std dev: 0.00732s window: 15 average rate: 15.004 min: 0.026s max: 0.101s std dev: 0.01129s window: 30 average rate: 15.004 min: 0.026s max: 0.101s std dev: 0.01130s window: 45 average rate: 14.968 min: 0.026s max: 0.101s std dev: 0.01260s window: 60
Is the driver publishing raw images at the expected rate?
If not, start the reconfigure_gui for this camera:
$ rosrun dynamic_reconfigure reconfigure_gui
Some feature settings may be prevent the camera from meeting its desired frame_rate. For example, if the shutter time is longer than the time between frames, the camera will either fall behind or force the shutter time to a shorter exposure. In poor lighting conditions, it may be necessary to adjust several parameters to get an acceptable compromise between picture brightness and frame rate.