Only released in EOL distros:
ccny_vision: ar_pose | artoolkit
Package Summary
CCNY Computer Vision Stack
- Author: Maintained by Gautier Dumonteil, Ivan Dryanovski, William Morris et al.
- License: GPL
- Source: git (branch: master)
This stack contains tools for computer vision tasks.
If you haven't already, download the stacks from our repository:
Toggle line numbers
1 cd ~/ros/stacks
2 git clone
To build the ccny_vision stack, run:
Toggle line numbers
1 cd ~/ros/stacks/ccny_vision
2 rosmake ccny_vision --rosdep-install
Compilation issues
If you encounter an error message like
rosdep.core.RosdepException: QUITTING: due to conflicting rosdep definitions, please resolve this conflict. Rules for glut do not match: libglut3-dev [.../stacks/ccny_vision/rosdep.yaml] {'apt': {'packages': ['libglut3-dev']}} [/opt/ros/electric/stacks/bullet/rosdep.yaml]
Run the following commands to remove the offending line:
roscd ccny_vision sed -i '/ubuntu: libglut3-dev/d' rosdep.yaml
Bug Reports & Feature Requests
We appreciate the time and effort spent submitting bug reports.
Please use our Trac to report bugs or request features.