The cob_3d_mapping_features package provides feature extraction and segmantation algorithms in order to describe point clouds.
The plane_extraction_nodelet nodelet takes in sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 messages and extracts planes using RANSAC. Convex hull polygons are calculated for each plane and publish as a cob_3d_mapping_msgs/ShapeArraySubscribed Topics
/point_cloud2 (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)- The input point cloud
Published Topics
/shape_array (cob_3d_mapping_msgs/ShapeArray)- The extracted hull polygons
- The extracted hull polygons as Marker for RViz
~plane_constraint (int, default: 0)- Constrain the planes extracted (0=NONE, 1=HORIZONTAL, 2=VERTICAL)
- Voxel resolution for down-sampling (in m)
- Minimum z value for pass-through filter (in m)
- Maximum z value for pass-through filter (in m)
- Minimum distance between points for clustering (in m)
- Alpha value for convex hull
- The frame input data is transformed to
- Use action or topic mode
- Flag for saving the map as a PCD file after each update (for debugging)
- File path for saving the map
Plane Extraction
Launch the plane extraction
roslaunch cob_3d_mapping_features extract_planes.launch