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Actionlib API support
Description: Create remote tasks as Actionlib ClientKeywords: decision_making
Tutorial Level: BEGINNER
Node : node.cpp
Entry point of node
#include <ros/ros.h> #include "Tasks.hpp" .... int main(int argc, char** argv){ ros::init(argc, argv, "Name_of_node"); Task1 task1; Task2 task2; ros::spin(); return 0; }
Tasks: Tasks.hpp
#include <actionlib/server/simple_action_server.h> #include <robot_task/RobotTask.h> #include <robot_task/RobotTaskAction.h> #include <robot_task/StringOperations.h> using namespace std; using namespace robot_task;
example of persistent task (do something forever)
class Task1:public RobotTask{ public: Task1(string name="/Name_Of_Task1"): RobotTask(name) ... { ... } ... TaskResult task(const string& name, const string& uid, Arguments& args){ //hear you can advertise your topics and services, subscribes to others topics, etc. //for example ros::ServiceServer my_service = _node.advertiseService<MyNodeName::MyServiceRequest, MyNodeName::MyServiceResponse>( "service_name",boost::bind(&Task1::FunciontNameForService,this,_1,_2) ); ... while(true){ if (isPreempt()){ /* HERE PROCESS PREEMPTION OR INTERAPT */ return TaskResult::Preempted(); } /* HERE PROCESS TASK */ ... /* SLEEP BETWEEN LOOP ITERATIONS */ sleep(1000); } return TaskResult::FAIL(); } ... };
example of one action task (do something and finish with success or fail)
class Task2:public RobotTask{ public: Task1(string name="/Name_Of_Task2"): RobotTask(name) ... { ... } ... TaskResult task(const string& name, const string& uid, Arguments& args){ //hear proc your arguments string target(""); double distance(-1); if( args.find("target")!=args.end() ){ target = args["target"]; } if( args.find("distance")!=args.end() ){ std::stringstream tmp; tmp << (args["distance"]); tmp >> distance; } ... if(...){ ... return TaskResult(SUCCESS, "OK. Task is done."); } if(...){ ... return TaskResult(FAIL, "Error. Task aborted because ..."); } return TaskResult::FAIL(); } ... };
<package> .... <depend package="robot_task"/> ... </package>
import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('MyTaskProject') import rospy import actionlib from RobotTaskPy import * class MyTask(RobotTask): def __init__(self, name): print "Init",name RobotTask.__init__(self, name) def task(self, name, uid, parameters): print "Start",name r = rospy.Rate(1) #parameters is a dictionary with task arguments #{arg_name: arg_value, arg_name: arg_value, ...} #while True: for i in xrange(1, 10): if self.isPreepted(): print "Preempt MyTask" return RTResult_PREEPTED() print '-- ',i,'Do something in MyTask' r.sleep() print "Finish MyTask" #error_code = RobotTask_FAIL + 1 #return RTResult_ABORT(error_code,"Some Error detected: finished with error code "+str(error_code)); return RTResult_SUCCESSED("Finished in Success") if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('MyTaskNode') MyTask("MyTask") rospy.spin()