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Running showcase applications
Description: Short tutorial on running some apps ready to launch as showcase.Tutorial Level: BEGINNER
Preparing hardware
At first, you have to start Elektron (switch on its left side to ON) and power up EeePC. Next make sure, that all devices are connected (one USB hub, Kinect and SICK laser) and powered. Last step is pressing red button on the left side - if LED on internal PCB toggles from red to green, then everything is OK and you're ready to go!
Best way to operate Elektron robot is to use SSH, so open some consoles and connect to EeePC:
ssh eee@eee2
Launching base drivers
To start motor drivers, call (on first console):
roslaunch elektron_bringup elektron_base.launch
This is base driver, and without it Elektron wont move.
Simple teleoperation
There are two ways to operate Elektron: using joystick or keyboard. Preferred way is to use joystick, because it's receiver is connected directly to robot's computer and it wont suffer when WiFi loses signal.
See also: elektron_teleop package.
Before using joystick, make sure that there is receiver connected to EeePC. To start teleoperation node, call (on second console):
roslaunch elektron_teleop teleop_joy.launch
First axis is used for both linear and angular velocity control, other buttons are unused for now.
Keyboard is recommended only when robot operates in close range to access point and WiFi signal is strong, otherwise ssh conection may be interrupted and teleoperation will break.
To start keyboard teleoperation call:
rosrun elektron_teleop elektron_teleop_keyboard
Use WASD keys to move, hold shift to move faster. Tap space to immediately stop robot.
Obstacle avoidance
There are to sources from which Elektron can detect obstacles: SICK laser and Kinect. Both of them can be used with simple obstacle avoidance application.
Starting sensors
To start SICK laser, call:
roslaunch elektron_bringup elektron_sensors.launch
Alternatively, you can use Kinect to simulate laser scan reading, just call:
roslaunch pcl_to_scan kinect_laser.launch
Running obstacle avoidance algorithm
rosrun laser_avoid laser_avoid