Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
This ROS package checks out, patches and compiles a pre-release version of the Gazebo Project from svn trunk and contains wrappers for using Gazebo with ROS. The local patch provides modifications for performance, debug outputs, ROS-specific customizations, capabilities, etc. The less ROS-specific patches are pushed back to the Gazebo repository incrementally as the package evolves. This package will update to newer revisions of Gazebo incrementally as new updates are made stable.
- Author: Nate Koenig, Andrew Howard, with contributions from many others. See web page for a full credits llist.
- License: LGPL
- External website:
- Repository: ros-pkg
- Source: svn
Package Summary
This ROS package checks out, patches and compiles a pre-release version of the Gazebo Project from a WG branch which is based on svn trunk with some local patches and contains wrappers for using Gazebo with ROS. The local patch provides modifications for performance, debug outputs, ROS-specific customizations, capabilities, etc. The less ROS-specific patches are pushed back to the Gazebo repository incrementally as the package evolves. This package will update to newer revisions of Gazebo incrementally as new updates are made stable.
- Author: Nate Koenig, Andrew Howard, with contributions from many others. See web page for a full credits llist.
- License: LGPL
- External website:
- Source: svn
Package Summary
This ROS package checks out and compiles a hand-picked stable mercurial revision of the gazebo-1.x.x/release candidate from the Gazebo Project. This package also provides some ROS plugins for working under the ROS environment. This package will update to newer gazebo-1.x.x releases of Gazebo incrementally as new revisions are made stable. If you are a developer and would like to contribute to the Gazebo simulator project directly, please visit Kforge Gazebo Project page and ask to join the project.
- Author: Nate Koenig, Andrew Howard, with contributions from many others. See web page for a full credits llist.
- License: Apache 2.0
- External website:
- Source: svn
Package Summary
This ROS package checks out and compiles a hand-picked stable mercurial revision of the gazebo-1.x.x/release candidate from the Gazebo Project. This package also provides some ROS plugins for working under the ROS environment. This package will update to newer gazebo-1.x.x releases of Gazebo incrementally as new revisions are made stable. If you are a developer and would like to contribute to the Gazebo simulator project directly, please visit Kforge Gazebo Project page and ask to join the project.
- Author: Nate Koenig, Andrew Howard, with contributions from many others. See web page for a full credits llist.
- License: Apache 2.0
- External website:
- Source: hg (branch: None)
New in Hydro This package is deprecated and has been replaced with gazebo_ros_pkgs.
Also, pure Gazebo questions (without ROS involved) should be asked on its designated forum.
Beginning with C-Turtle (latest releases) distro, gazebo is started as a ROS node, offering the following ROS API interfaces.
Gazebo Subscribed Topics
gazebo/set_link_state (gazebo/LinkState)
- Sets the state (pose/twist) of a link.
- Sets the state (pose/twist) of a model.
Gazebo Published Parameters
/use_sim_time (Bool)
- Notifies ROS to use published /clock topic for ROS time.
Gazebo Published Topics
/clock (roslib/Clock)
- Publish simulation time, to be used with /use_sim_time parameter.
- Publishes states of all the links in simulation.
- Publishes states of all the models in simulation.
Gazebo Services
Create and destroy models in simulation
These services allows user to spawn and destroy models in simulation- Use this service to spawn a urdf model.
- Use this service to spawn a model written in Gazebo XML model description.
- This service allows user to delete a model from simulation.
State and properties getters
These services allows user to retrieve state and property information about simulation and objects in simulation- This service returns the properties of a model in simulation.
- This service returns the states of a model in simulation.
- This service returns the properties of the simulation world.
- This service returns the properties of a joint in simulation.
- This service returns the properties of a link in simulation.
- This service returns the states of a link in simulation.
- This service returns the properties of the physics engine used in simulation.
State and properties setters
These services allows user to set state and property information about simulation and objects in simulation- This service sets the properties of a link in simulation.
- This service allows user to set properties of a link in simulation.
- This service allows user to set properties of a link in simulation.
- This service allows user to set properties of a link in simulation.
- This service allows user to set properties of a link in simulation.
Simulation control
These services allows user to pause and unpause physics in simulation- Pause physics updates.
- Resume physics updates.
Force control
These services allows user to apply wrenches and forces to bodies and joints in simulation- Apply wrench to a body in simulation.
- Apply effort to a joint in simulation.
- Clear applied efforts to a joint.
- Clear applied wrench to a body.
Beginning with C-Turtle (latest releases) distro, gazebo is started as a ROS node, offering the following ROS API interfaces.
Gazebo Subscribed Topics
gazebo/set_link_state (gazebo/LinkState)
- Sets the state (pose/twist) of a link.
- Sets the state (pose/twist) of a model.
Gazebo Published Parameters
/use_sim_time (Bool)
- Notifies ROS to use published /clock topic for ROS time.
Gazebo Published Topics
/clock (roslib/Clock)
- Publish simulation time, to be used with /use_sim_time parameter.
- Publishes states of all the links in simulation.
- Publishes states of all the models in simulation.
Gazebo Services
Create and destroy models in simulation
These services allows user to spawn and destroy models in simulation- Use this service to spawn a urdf model.
- Use this service to spawn a model written in Gazebo XML model description.
- This service allows user to delete a model from simulation.
State and properties getters
These services allows user to retrieve state and property information about simulation and objects in simulation- This service returns the properties of a model in simulation.
- This service returns the states of a model in simulation.
- This service returns the properties of the simulation world.
- This service returns the properties of a joint in simulation.
- This service returns the properties of a link in simulation.
- This service returns the states of a link in simulation.
- This service returns the properties of the physics engine used in simulation.
State and properties setters
These services allows user to set state and property information about simulation and objects in simulation- This service sets the properties of a link in simulation.
- This service allows user to set properties of a link in simulation.
- This service allows user to set properties of a link in simulation.
- This Service allows user to set model joint positions without invoking dynamics.
- This service allows user to set properties of a link in simulation.
- This service allows user to set properties of a link in simulation.
Simulation control
These services allows user to pause and unpause physics in simulation- Pause physics updates.
- Resume physics updates.
Force control
These services allows user to apply wrenches and forces to bodies and joints in simulation- Apply wrench to a body in simulation. All active wrenches applied to the same body are cumulative.
- Apply effort to a joint in simulation. All active efforts applied to the same joint are cumulative.
- Clear applied efforts to a joint.
- Clear applied wrench to a body.
External Documentation
This is primarily a third party wrapper package with external documentation.
Beginning with C-Turtle (latest releases) distro, gazebo is started as a ROS node, offering the following ROS API interfaces.
Gazebo Subscribed Topics
gazebo/set_link_state (gazebo/LinkState)
- Sets the state (pose/twist) of a link.
- Sets the state (pose/twist) of a model.
Gazebo Published Parameters
/use_sim_time (Bool)
- Notifies ROS to use published /clock topic for ROS time.
Gazebo Published Topics
/clock (rosgraph_msgs/Clock)
- Publish simulation time, to be used with /use_sim_time parameter.
- Publishes states of all the links in simulation.
- Publishes states of all the models in simulation.
Gazebo Services
Create and destroy models in simulation
These services allows user to spawn and destroy models in simulation- Use this service to spawn a urdf model.
- Use this service to spawn a model written in Gazebo XML model description.
- This service allows user to delete a model from simulation.
State and properties getters
These services allows user to retrieve state and property information about simulation and objects in simulation- This service returns the properties of a model in simulation.
- This service returns the states of a model in simulation.
- This service returns the properties of the simulation world.
- This service returns the properties of a joint in simulation.
- This service returns the properties of a link in simulation.
- This service returns the states of a link in simulation.
- This service returns the properties of the physics engine used in simulation.
State and properties setters
These services allows user to set state and property information about simulation and objects in simulation- This service sets the properties of a link in simulation.
- This service allows user to set properties of a link in simulation.
- This service allows user to set properties of a link in simulation.
- This Service allows user to set model joint positions without invoking dynamics.
- This service allows user to set properties of a link in simulation.
- This service allows user to set properties of a link in simulation.
Simulation control
These services allows user to pause and unpause physics in simulation- Pause physics updates.
- Resume physics updates.
Force control
These services allows user to apply wrenches and forces to bodies and joints in simulation- Apply wrench to a body in simulation. All active wrenches applied to the same body are cumulative.
- Apply effort to a joint in simulation. All active efforts applied to the same joint are cumulative.
- Clear applied efforts to a joint.
- Clear applied wrench to a body.
External Documentation
This is primarily a third party wrapper package with external documentation.
Core Gazebo-ROS Plugins
In addition to including a stable version of Gazebo, this package package builds two core plugins for integrating Gazebo with ROS.
ROS API Plugin
This plugin initializes a ROS node called "gazebo" and then integrates the ROS callback scheduler with Gazebo's internal scheduler to provide the ROS interfaces described below. This ROS API enables a user to manipulate the properties of the simulation environment over ROS, as well as spawn and introspect on the state of models in the environment.
Additionally, Gazebo will publish to the ROS /clock topic in order to provide a ROS system with simulation-synchronized time. For more info on simulation time, see here.
ROS Paths Plugin
This plugin will allow Gazebo to find simulation resources in a ROS installation.
To run the Gazebo simulator server, gzserver, in a ROS environment, this package provides a thin wrapper script which runs gzserver with the ROS plugins described below.
When started with the ROS plugins, Gazebo is started as a ROS node called "gazebo". It supports the following ROS interfaces.
Gazebo Subscribed Topics
~/set_link_state (gazebo_msgs/LinkState)
- Sets the state (pose/twist) of a link.
- Sets the state (pose/twist) of a model.
Gazebo Published Parameters
/use_sim_time (Bool)
- Notifies ROS to use published /clock topic for ROS time.
Gazebo Published Topics
/clock (rosgraph_msgs/Clock)
- Publish simulation time, to be used with /use_sim_time parameter.
- Publishes states of all the links in simulation.
- Publishes states of all the models in simulation.
Gazebo Services
Create and destroy models in simulation
These services allows user to spawn and destroy models in simulation- Use this service to spawn a urdf model.
- Use this service to spawn a model written in Gazebo XML model description.
- This service allows user to delete a model from simulation.
State and properties getters
These services allows user to retrieve state and property information about simulation and objects in simulation- This service returns the properties of a model in simulation.
- This service returns the states of a model in simulation.
- This service returns the properties of the simulation world.
- This service returns the properties of a joint in simulation.
- This service returns the properties of a link in simulation.
- This service returns the states of a link in simulation.
- This service returns the properties of the physics engine used in simulation.
State and properties setters
These services allows user to set state and property information about simulation and objects in simulation- This service sets the properties of a link in simulation.
- This service allows user to set properties of a link in simulation.
- This service allows user to set properties of a link in simulation.
- This Service allows user to set model joint positions without invoking dynamics.
- This service allows user to set properties of a link in simulation.
- This service allows user to set properties of a link in simulation.
Simulation control
These services allows user to pause and unpause physics in simulation- Pause physics updates.
- Resume physics updates.
Force control
These services allows user to apply wrenches and forces to bodies and joints in simulation- Apply wrench to a body in simulation. All active wrenches applied to the same body are cumulative.
- Apply effort to a joint in simulation. All active efforts applied to the same joint are cumulative.
- Clear applied efforts to a joint.
- Clear applied wrench to a body.
External Documentation
This is primarily a third party wrapper package with external documentation.
Core Gazebo-ROS Plugins
In addition to including a stable version of Gazebo, this package package builds two core plugins for integrating Gazebo with ROS.
ROS API Plugin
This plugin initializes a ROS node called "gazebo" and then integrates the ROS callback scheduler with Gazebo's internal scheduler to provide the ROS interfaces described below. This ROS API enables a user to manipulate the properties of the simulation environment over ROS, as well as spawn and introspect on the state of models in the environment.
Additionally, Gazebo will publish to the ROS /clock topic in order to provide a ROS system with simulation-synchronized time. For more info on simulation time, see here.
ROS Paths Plugin
This plugin will allow Gazebo to find simulation resources in a ROS installation.
To run the Gazebo simulator server, gzserver, in a ROS environment, this package provides a thin wrapper script which runs gzserver with the ROS plugins described below.
When started with the ROS plugins, Gazebo is started as a ROS node called "gazebo". It supports the following ROS interfaces.
Gazebo Subscribed Topics
~/set_link_state (gazebo_msgs/LinkState)
- Sets the state (pose/twist) of a link.
- Sets the state (pose/twist) of a model.
Gazebo Published Parameters
/use_sim_time (Bool)
- Notifies ROS to use published /clock topic for ROS time.
Gazebo Published Topics
/clock (rosgraph_msgs/Clock)
- Publish simulation time, to be used with /use_sim_time parameter.
- Publishes states of all the links in simulation.
- Publishes states of all the models in simulation.
Gazebo Services
Create and destroy models in simulation
These services allows user to spawn and destroy models in simulation- Use this service to spawn a urdf model.
- Use this service to spawn a model written in Gazebo XML model description.
- This service allows user to delete a model from simulation.
State and properties getters
These services allows user to retrieve state and property information about simulation and objects in simulation- This service returns the properties of a model in simulation.
- This service returns the states of a model in simulation.
- This service returns the properties of the simulation world.
- This service returns the properties of a joint in simulation.
- This service returns the properties of a link in simulation.
- This service returns the states of a link in simulation.
- This service returns the properties of the physics engine used in simulation.
State and properties setters
These services allows user to set state and property information about simulation and objects in simulation- This service sets the properties of a link in simulation.
- This service allows user to set properties of a link in simulation.
- This service allows user to set properties of a link in simulation.
- This Service allows user to set model joint positions without invoking dynamics.
- This service allows user to set properties of a link in simulation.
- This service allows user to set properties of a link in simulation.
Simulation control
These services allows user to pause and unpause physics in simulation- Pause physics updates.
- Resume physics updates.
Force control
These services allows user to apply wrenches and forces to bodies and joints in simulation- Apply wrench to a body in simulation. All active wrenches applied to the same body are cumulative.
- Apply effort to a joint in simulation. All active efforts applied to the same joint are cumulative.
- Clear applied efforts to a joint.
- Clear applied wrench to a body.