1.2.0 (2010-07-22)
Changes since 1.0 release:
polled_camera: poller now respects frequency argument. <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4238)>>
- Better error output on failure, particularly when a file cannot be opened.
Catch YAML parsing exceptions and return false. <<Ticket(ros-pkg 3922)>>
Fixed crash if Subscriber fails to load a plugin. <<Ticket(ros-pkg 3957)>>
CameraSubscriber now subscribes to the correct camera_info topic if the image topic is remapped. <<Ticket(ros-pkg 3940)>>
Publisher classes remap all published topics if the base topic is remapped. <<Ticket(ros-pkg 3652)>>
Added image_transport-specific exceptions. Subscriber throws TransportLoadException if it fails to load a plugin.
Share class loaders among all publishers and subscribers created with a single ImageTransport instance. Avoids duplicated calls to rospack.
Removed deprecated SubscriberFilter methods taking a raw NodeHandle instead of an ImageTransport.
Added getDeclaredTransports() method. <<Ticket(ros-pkg 3974)>>
Added getTransport() method to the subscriber classes, returning the name of the transport actually being used.
CameraSubscriber attempts to detect and warn if topics aren't synchronized. <<Ticket(ros-pkg 3966)>>
Raw transport is no-copy for intraprocess passing. <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4015)>>