1.1.6 (2010-06-01)


  • Fixed to work with arbitrary size images, not only 640x480.
  • Regression tests for multiple image sizes.
  • Fixed cosmetic problem in update of small images.

1.1.5 (2010-05-23)

New package image_rotate, for visualizing camera streams in an orientation that is more intuitive to the user than the hardware-constrained orientation of the physical camera. This is particularly helpful, for example, to show images from the PR2's forearm cameras with a consistent up direction, despite the fact that the forearms need to rotate in arbitrary ways during manipulation.


  • Removed WG block matcher option. OpenCV's implementation is always used.


  • Mono calibration now reports linear error of the rectified checkerboard corners (<<Ticket(ros-pkg 4035)>>).

1.1.4 (2010-04-27)


  • Updated cameracheck to work with stricter topic name checking (#4036).

1.1.3 (2010-04-26)

This release includes bug-fixes from 1.0.1 and 1.0.2. Other changes listed below.


  • camera_hammer utility for testing a set_camera_info service call.


  • Workaround for exiting when the user closes the window on Linux systems (#3026).
  • Source files and executables now go in src/ and bin/ (#3978).

1.1.2 (2010-04-12)


  • Force min_disparity to be zero when using WG block matcher, which doesn't support non-zero values.
  • Explicitly zero out border pixels that tend to have junk when using OpenCV block matcher. (Probably fixed in more recent revisions of OpenCV)
  • Made OpenCV the default block matcher, preparing to remove WG reference implementation.


  • Specific error message on receiving image with ambiguous 8UC3 encoding.


  • Can initialize calibrators from CameraInfo messages (#3891).

1.1.1 (2010-03-12)

  • Changed default stereo_image_proc settings to give good stereo results on PR2 data.

1.1 (2010-03-10)


  • calibration no longer makes buggy assumptions about corner spacing always being .108m
  • Added a simple calibration script (camera_calibrate_from_disk.py) that loads a set of images from disk and performs monocular calibration returning the camera intrinsics.
  • Set projection matrix P correctly in monocular calibration.


  • Warn if color topic requested but raw image data is grayscale.


  • Allow using either the OpenCV block matcher or the Willow Garage reference implementation. Should give roughly the same results with vision_opencv 1.1 or greater.
  • Added points2 topic with the new sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 format.

  • Upped texture_threshold maximum to 10000; high values needed for simulated stereo images.

Wiki: image_pipeline/ChangeList/1.1 (last edited 2010-07-23 21:09:07 by KenConley)