Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
Drivers to control the StingBot and Traxbot robots in ROS. Developed at ISR, University of Coimbra
- Author: André Araújo and David Portugal
- License: BSD
- Source: svn
ROS Drivers for the Stingbot and Traxbot Robots, developed at MRL-ISR-UC.
Note: This package depends on cereal_port from the serial_communication stack.
Nodes: stingbot_node / traxbot_node
Similar Arduino-based drivers for the Stingbot and Traxbot robots. The difference between the two nodes resides in robot specific parameters.
rosrun mrl_robots_drivers stingbot_node [serial_port]
rosrun mrl_robots_drivers traxbot_node [serial_port]
The optional parameter serial_port defines the serial port to communicate with the Arduino Board (Default: /dev/ttyACM0).
Subscribed topics
cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)
- Velocity commands to differentially drive the robot.
Published Topics
odom (nav_msgs/Odometry)
- Odometry data from the robot.
xbee (std_msgs/String)
- Coming soon...
sonars (std_msgs/Float32MultiArray)
- Coming soon...
tf transforms provided
odom → base_link
- Transform from odometric origin to robot base.