Since version 2.0.0:
All OEM7 NMEA sentences can be published as nmea_msgs/Sentence. Consult the OEM7 manual of the list of supported NMEA sentences.
To publish NMEA sentences using nmea_msgs/NMEASentence, configure the Oem7 receiver to output the desired sentence by modifying the receiver initialization commands.
The recommended way to achieve this is to specify the "ext_init_commands" parameter, using the same syntax as the "receiver_init_commands" parameter. For example, create a custom nmea.yaml parameter file with the following contents:
receiver_ext_init_commands: - "LOG GPGGA ONTIME 1" - "LOG GPGSA ONTIME 1" - "LOG GPGSV ONTIME 1" - "LOG GPRMC ONTIME 1" NMEA_Sentence: {topic: /gps/nmea_sentence, frame_id: gps}
Load these parameters into /novatel/oem7/receivers/main namespace. For example, in your custom .launch file:
<rosparam file="nmea.yaml" ns="/novatel/oem7/receivers/main"/>
OEM7 NMEA Standard logs: