ROS Software Maintainer: ROBOTIS
ROBOTIS e-Manual
Subscribed Topics
robotis/base/send_tra (std_msgs/String)- The topic informs the start and end of trajectory following.
- The topic updates joint offset related parameters.
- The topic transfers Torque enable/disable command for joints.
- The topic transfers command to the op3_offset_tuner_client.
- "save" : Saves current offset to yaml
- "ini_pose" : Take the initial posture for offset tuning
robotis/offset_tuner/get_present_joint_offset_data (op3_offset_tuner_msgs/GetPresentJointOffsetData)- The service obtains current offset data from the op3_offset_tuner_client.
offset_path (string, default: "")- The yaml file path to save offsets.
- This path indicates the location of .robot file that contains robot description data.
- This path indicates the location of the file that contains initialization information of each joint.