This package is a ROS wrapper of SDK for OrSens 3D-camera.
launch folder contains several files for different purposes:
orsens.launch - basic launch
orsens_stereo.launch - launch in stereo mode, for some ROS solutions, i.e. RTAB-Map stereo mapping and navigation.
orsens_calibration.launch - launch ROS stereo calibration.
Main node that publishes camera's data, as well as some results of SDK's integrated CV functions.
Published Topics
disp (sensor_msgs/Image)- Disparity image, mono8, values in range 0-255, brighter is closer.
- Depth image, 16UC1, values in millimetres.
- Left RGB image, bgr8.
- Left camera info.
- Right RGB image, bgr8.
- Right camera info.
- Point cloud.
- information about nearest obstacle: centre, width, height, direction from camera etc.
- Image mask which represents scene regions (currently floor only)
~capture_mode (string, default: "depth_only")- Determines which data to capture from the camera. Possible values are "depth_only"- capture just depth stream, "depth_left" - capture both streams, "left_only" and "left_right".
- Path to the data folder.
- An url to the left camera calibration file that will be published as left/camera_info.
- An url to the right camera calibration file that will be published as right/camera_info.
- The camera's tf frame.
- Same for depth stream.
- Request RGB stream framerate.
- Request depth stream framerate.
- Request compressed RGB stream (may solve USB bandwidth problems).
- Same for depth stream, but for future use, not working now.
- Publish depth image.
- Publish pointcloud.
- Publish left camera metadata.
- Publish right camera metadata.
- Publish information about nearest obstacle.
- Publish mask with scene regions.
Stereo visual odometry and mapping
Running samples and ROS nodes
OrSens vs. two web-cameras with stereo-matching
1. Camera's depth engine is precalibrated, but if you need to recalibrate it for some reason, please contact us at for instructions and software.
2. To get ROS CameraInfo use camera calibration tool via this launch file.