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Using the PR2 gripper's grasp planner for point clusters
Description: This tutorial teaches you how to use the pr2_gripper_grasp_planner_cluster to find grasps of unknown objects (as 3D point clouds from the narrow stereo).Keywords: grasp planner point cloud cluster
Tutorial Level: BEGINNER
Robot Setup
Bring up the robot and position it at the edge of a table, facing the table. Point the head at the table, and place one or more objects on the table, in the field of view of the narrow stereo camera, separated by at least 3 cm.
On a computer that is not on the robot, set the ROS_MASTER_URI to the robot, run rviz, and add the Marker topics grasp_markers and point_cluster_grasp_planner_markers.
Starting the Manipulation Pipeline
The easiest way to have the point cluster grasp planner and the relevant tabletop_object_detector modules started is to start the manipulation pipeline (see the relevant tutorial here).
The Code
The following code is also available in pr2_pick_and_place_demos/test/test_pr2_gripper_grasp_planner_cluster.py:
1 #!/usr/bin/python
2 '''
3 Test client for point_cluster_grasp_planner.
4 Requires tabletop_node.launch to be running (in tabletop_object_detector).
5 Add Markers of topic 'grasp_markers' to see the poses being tested.
6 '''
8 from __future__ import division
9 import roslib
10 roslib.load_manifest('pr2_pick_and_place_demos')
11 import rospy
12 from object_manipulation_msgs.srv import FindClusterBoundingBox, FindClusterBoundingBoxRequest
13 from tabletop_object_detector.srv import TabletopDetection, TabletopDetectionRequest
14 from object_manipulation_msgs.srv import GraspPlanning, GraspPlanningRequest
15 from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker
16 import tf.transformations
17 import numpy
18 import scipy
19 import time
20 import object_manipulator.draw_functions as draw_functions
21 from object_manipulator.convert_functions import *
24 #call the tabletop object detector to get the table and clusters in the scene
25 def call_object_detector():
27 req = TabletopDetectionRequest()
28 req.return_clusters = 1
29 req.return_models = 0
30 service_name = "/object_detection"
31 rospy.loginfo("waiting for object_detection service")
32 rospy.wait_for_service(service_name)
33 serv = rospy.ServiceProxy(service_name, TabletopDetection)
34 try:
35 res = serv(req)
36 except rospy.ServiceException, e:
37 rospy.logerr("error when calling object_detection: %s"%e)
38 return 0
39 return (res.detection.table, res.detection.clusters)
42 #call plan_point_cluster_grasp to get candidate grasps for a cluster
43 def call_plan_point_cluster_grasp(cluster):
45 req = GraspPlanningRequest()
46 req.target.cluster = cluster
47 req.target.type = 2
48 req.arm_name = "right_arm"
49 req.collision_support_surface_name = "table"
50 service_name = "plan_point_cluster_grasp"
51 rospy.loginfo("waiting for plan_point_cluster_grasp service")
52 rospy.wait_for_service(service_name)
53 rospy.loginfo("service found")
54 serv = rospy.ServiceProxy(service_name, GraspPlanning)
55 try:
56 res = serv(req)
57 except rospy.ServiceException, e:
58 rospy.logerr("error when calling plan_point_cluster_grasp: %s"%e)
59 return 0
60 if res.error_code.value != 0:
61 return []
63 grasp_poses = [grasp.grasp_pose for grasp in res.grasps]
64 return grasp_poses
67 #call find_cluster_bounding_box to get the bounding box for a cluster
68 def call_find_cluster_bounding_box(cluster):
70 req = FindClusterBoundingBoxRequest()
71 req.cluster = cluster
72 service_name = "find_cluster_bounding_box"
73 rospy.loginfo("waiting for find_cluster_bounding_box service")
74 rospy.wait_for_service(service_name)
75 rospy.loginfo("service found")
76 serv = rospy.ServiceProxy(service_name, FindClusterBoundingBox)
77 try:
78 res = serv(req)
79 except rospy.ServiceException, e:
80 rospy.logerr("error when calling find_cluster_bounding_box: %s"%e)
81 return 0
82 if not res.error_code:
83 return (res.pose, res.box_dims)
84 else:
85 return (None, None)
88 if __name__ == "__main__":
90 #initialize the node, tf listener and broadcaster, and rviz drawing helper class
91 rospy.init_node('test_point_cluster_grasp_planner', anonymous=True)
92 tf_broadcaster = tf.TransformBroadcaster()
93 tf_listener = tf.TransformListener()
94 draw_functions = draw_functions.DrawFunctions('grasp_markers')
96 #call the tabletop object detector to detect clusters on the table
97 (table, clusters) = call_object_detector()
98 print "table:\n", table
100 #keep going until the user says to quit (or until Ctrl-C is pressed)
101 while(not rospy.is_shutdown()):
103 #for each cluster in view in turn
104 for cluster in clusters:
105 draw_functions.clear_grasps(num=1000)
107 #get the bounding box for this cluster and draw it in blue
108 (box_pose, box_dims) = call_find_cluster_bounding_box(cluster)
109 if box_pose == None:
110 continue
111 box_mat = pose_to_mat(box_pose.pose)
112 box_ranges = [[-box_dims.x/2, -box_dims.y/2, -box_dims.z/2],
113 [box_dims.x/2, box_dims.y/2, box_dims.z/2]]
114 draw_functions.draw_rviz_box(box_mat, box_ranges, 'base_link', \
115 ns = 'bounding box', \
116 color = [0,0,1], opaque = 0.25, duration = 60)
118 print "Run the blue cluster? Enter y to run, enter to go to the next, q to exit"
119 c = raw_input()
121 if c == 'y':
122 draw_functions.clear_rviz_points('grasp_markers')
124 #call the grasp planner
125 grasps = call_plan_point_cluster_grasp(cluster)
127 #draw the resulting grasps (all at once, or one at a time)
128 print "number of grasps returned:", len(grasps)
129 print "drawing grasps: press p to pause after each one in turn, enter to show all grasps at once"
130 c = raw_input()
131 if c == 'p':
132 draw_functions.draw_grasps(grasps, cluster.header.frame_id, pause = 1)
133 else:
134 draw_functions.draw_grasps(grasps, cluster.header.frame_id, pause = 0)
135 print "done drawing grasps, press enter to continue"
136 raw_input()
138 #clear out the grasps drawn
139 draw_functions.clear_grasps(num = 1000)
141 elif c == 'q':
142 break
143 else:
144 continue
145 break
The above code calls the tabletop object detector to segment out the table and to find point cloud clusters in the narrow stereo point cloud. For each cluster found, it will draw the bounding box in blue and ask the user if he/she would like to plan grasps for that cluster. It runs the point cluster grasp planner on the cluster (if selected), and then draws the found grasps, either all at once, or one at a time so that the user can see the preferred grasp order.