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Qt App Templates

Description: Speeding app development with quickstart templates via roscreate-qt-pkg.

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER

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  • Generate a qt-ros application package with roscreate-qt-pkg.

  • Generate a qt-ros application package with catkin_create_qt_pkg.


Currently the creational script generates only one template app, though this may be expanded in future. Features include:

  • a ros master chooser
  • separate ui and ros node classes
  • ros node class has connections for gui logging and a spinner


> rosrun qt_create roscreate-qt-pkg qdude

You can either build with rosbuild (native) or catkin (native/cross-compiles). Refer to the mingw build environment and the mingw qt-ros tutorials for more details.

> source /path/to/my/source/workspace/devel/setup.bash
> cd /path/to/my/workspace/src
> catkin_create_qt_pkg qdude
> cd /path/to/my/workspace
> catkin_make --force-cmake
> rosrun qdude qdude

> source /path/to/my/source/workspace/devel/setup.bash
> cd /path/to/my/workspace/src
> catkin_create_qt_pkg qdude
> cd /path/to/my/workspace
> catkin_make --force-cmake
> rosrun qdude qdude

Simply catkin_make in place (native compile) to compile. We've temporarily dropped cross compiling support with the mingw cross compiler on groovy (we're not using any longer) but is possible. Feel free to ask questions if you want to get it working.

Once compiled and running, you can:

  • Affect gui changes in main_window.ui with qt designer

  • Modify qt code in main_window.hpp/main_window.cpp

  • Do ros topics and services in qnode.hpp/qnode.cpp.

For more advanced qt options (e.g. specifying qt components), see the notes in qt_build for a more detailed explanation now how to use the cmake api to configure your package.


mingw_cross/Tutorials/Mingw Qt-Ros Packages/mingw_demo.png

Wiki: qt_create/Tutorials/Qt App Templates (last edited 2018-03-13 15:08:40 by DanielStonier)