Note: This tutorial assumes that you have completed the ROS Tutorials. The code for this stack is available in the roch_robot.. |
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Using package of roch_sensorpc
Description: Using package of roch_sensorpcKeywords: PointCloud
Tutorial Level: BEGINNER
Before we begin our tutorial of roch_sensorpc package, we assume you had finished Point Cloud Tutorials, which we used for in this package. And also package with roch_sensorpc is available can be modified.
Usually roch_sensorpc used in roch_navigation with roch_safety_controller, and same as roch_safety_controller, roch_sensorpc also can run alone for a demo.
Steps for roch_sensorpc demo is same as roch_safety_controller.
- Make sure power on Roch and USB cable to Roch and PC.
- Make sure launch minimal.
roslaunch roch_bringup minimal.launch
- Run launch file demo of roch_sensorpc.
roslaunch roch_sensorpc standalone.launch
- Compared with the roch_safety_controller, additional more step is checkout pointcloud.
rostopic echo /mobile_base/sensors/sensor_pointcloud
And We you nearly with Roch or blocking sensors in front of Roch, you will see topic has publish one data.
Topics & Parameters
For roch_sensorpc launch file, you can checkout there has some topics, and parameters.
There has two topics we need.
- /pointcloud
- This topic is pint cloud output topic, default remapping into /mobile_base/sensors/sensor_pointcloud.
- /core_sensors
This topic subscribes roch_base and get sensors status and data for decide whether publish data or not, default remapping into /mobile_base/sensors/core.
There has four parameters we need.
- pointcloud_radius
- This default is radius of Roch, so we choose default value 0.25.
- ult_enable
- This value decide enable use ult data or not.
- psd_enable
- This value decide enable use psd data or not.
- cliff_enable
- This value decide enable use cliff data or not.