Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
The schunk_canopen_driver package
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Georg Heppner <heppner AT fzi DOT de>
- Author: Felix Mauch <mauch AT fzi DOT de>, Georg Heppner <heppner AT fzi DOT de>
- License: FZI all rights reserved
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
The schunk_canopen_driver package
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Georg Heppner <heppner AT fzi DOT de>
- Author: Felix Mauch <mauch AT fzi DOT de>, Georg Heppner <heppner AT fzi DOT de>
- License: FZI all rights reserved
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
The schunk_canopen_driver package
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Georg Heppner <heppner AT fzi DOT de>
- Author: Felix Mauch <mauch AT fzi DOT de>, Georg Heppner <heppner AT fzi DOT de>
- License: FZI all rights reserved
- Source: git (branch: master)
This package provides a driver interface for the Schunk LWA4P robot arm through the CANOPEN interface. It provides a simple interface that accepts position commands and another interface for ros_control.
To control the arm you will need a PEAK can adapter as the driver communicates through a pcan interface. We recommend to install the PEAK driver from source as this works best. For example this can be done through the fzi_icl_can package, which is a dependency for this package:
rosrun fzi_icl_can
Note: You will be asked for your sudo password during execution.
You can also build the driver from source by hand, see the PEAK website for instructions. IMPORTANT: Build the driver in CHARDEV mode, not the default netdev mode.
Please note that the fzi_icl_can library is linked against version 7.15.2. If you decide to use a different driver version for the kernel module, this might work, however this cannot be guaranteed.
Building from source
You will need to checkout the following packages into your workspace:
then just call
catkin_make_isolated source devel_isolated/setup.bash # If Peak driver was not installed before. # Note: You will be asked for your sudo password during execution. rosrun fzi_icl_can
If you have the fzi_icl_core or fzi_icl_can package in your workspace you'll have to build it with catkin_make_isolated, as those packages are plain cmake packages. See the REP 134 for details.
Installing via package manager
To install the package use your apt-get package manager:
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-schunk-canopen-driver # If Peak driver was not installed before. # Note: You will be asked for your sudo password during execution. rosrun fzi_icl_can
Understanding the different modes
The package offers two different interfaces, which both differ in the action topics, parameters and the way commanded waypoints are interpreted by the hardware.
The simpler profile_position-interface accepts series of waypoints which the robot will drive to with internal interpolation. It is not guaranteed (and might almost never happen), that all joints finish moving at the same time. If multiple waypoints are given, a new waypoint is started for all joints at the same time as soon as the last joint reached it's previous destination. Ramping up and down between waypoints is done by the robot internally depending on it's configuration. The ramping setup will be treated later on.
The ros_control-interface provides a position controller in joint space which will interpolate between waypoints inside the controller (on the host PC). You can set joint velocities and time constraints for each waypoint which the controller will take care of.
Handles controlling of a Schunk robot.Action Goal
follow_joint_trajectory/follow_joint_trajectory (control_msgs/FollowJointTrajectoryActionGoal)- Command the robot arm with a trajectory. For this action server the robot will take care of controlling the joint values.
- Command the robot arm with a trajectory. For this action server the robot will be controlled using a position controller from ros_control. The hardware will operate in the interpolated-position-mode. The namespace of this controller can be set using the traj_controller_name-parameter.
Published Topics
joint_states (sensor_msgs/JointState)- Current positions of all joints.
- Torque generating currents in all joints in mA.
close_brakes (std_srvs/TriggerRequest)- Close the brakes on all nodes. Use this when the device is standing still for a longer time to reduce high motor currents for doing nothing. Remember to call the enable_nodes service when you want to go on.
- Enables the devices after a fault, a quick stop or simply when the brakes have been closed by hand (via the close_brakes service call)
- Performs a quick stop on all nodes. You should prefer this service to aborting the followJointTrajectory action, as this will instantaniously stop the robot's movement without resulting in a fault state.
- Perform a reset offset for a given list of nodes. You should call service, after driving the device to it's zero position manually. Only the nodes given in the node list are affected by this service call. The position of all unlisted joints is irrelevant. In this service call the canopen IDs (e.g. 3 are used.)
- Perform a reset offset for a given list of nodes. You should call this service, after driving the device to it's zero position manually. Only the nodes given in the node list are affected by this service call. The position of all unlisted joints is irrelevant. In this service the joint names from the urdf (e.g. 'arm_1_joint') are used.
- Perform a reset offset for all nodes. You should call this service only after driving all devices to their zero position manually.
- Triggers initialization of the canopen devices. This service will only be advertised when the autostart parameter is set to false. Otherwise initialization will be triggered automatically at startup.
autostart (bool)- If set to true this will trigger device initialization automatically. Otherwise the init_devices service is created for device initialization.
- Name of the tty-Device the PEAK CAN device is registered to. If you use a pcanusb device, you might want to use the keyword auto which will search for a working pcanusb device. This is the default behaviour.
- Frequency of the state publisher. The joint values and currents are published with this rate. This frequency has no influence on the control frequency.
- The namespace where the controller action server will be registered to. Note, that this only has an effect on the ros_control action server.
- If set to true the robot will work in the interpolated-position-mode. It will be controlled by a position-based controller from ros-control. If set to false, the robot will work in the profile-position-mode, where position commands will be simply forwarded to the arm and the hardware itself takes care about the movement towards the given configuration. Note that synchronous movement of all joints can't be achieved using this mode.
Example launchfiles
This launchfile gives a ready-to-use action interface to simply access position configurations. It also loads a urdf description of the arm and starts a robot state publisher. Parameters:
- pcan_device: Device name of the can adapter. Defaults to "auto".
This launchfile gives a ready-to-use action interface for ros_control. It loads controllers defined in config/arm_controllers.yaml (This can be changed in the ros_control.launch file). Parameters:
- pcan_device: Device name of the can adapter. Defaults to /dev/pcanusb1.
controller_name::Name of a loaded controller that should be used (when using ros_control). Defaults to pos_based_pos_traj_controller
This moves the robot to it's zero position using the profile_position mode. Parameters:
- pcan_device: Device name of the can adapter. Defaults to "auto".
Advanced usage
Defining custom canopen IDs
If your robot arm does use custom canopen IDs, you can modify those in the config/example_config file. When modifying the canopen IDs you will also have to modify the node mapping in config/node_mapping.yaml which will perform the mapping between the canopen IDs and the URDF joint names. See the example config file for a syntax explanation.
In Principal you can configure multiple canopen chains, for example an arm and a gripper. The example configuration file already contains such a setup, however this is untested and might not work.
Setting up Profile Position ramps
When using the simple profile position mode Ramping up and down is controlled by the hardware. The velocity and acceleration can be configured in the config/example_config.yamlfile. Also, targets can be commanded as a relative motion to the current position or as an absolute position relative to the home position (which is the default). Change the ppm_use_relative_targets parameter if you like to change this behavior.
Fault after canceling a goal
Canceling a goal at high speeds seems to set the robot into a fault state. This comes from within the used position controller as it commands the robot to hold a position which is too far away to be reached within one control cycle. As a workaround prefer the quick_stop_nodes service
Fault after starting ros_control mode
Sometimes the robot gets into a fault mode after enabling the interpolated position mode (ros_control mode) when the arm is at a non-zero position. This should not happen with a recent version of ros_control, but if it happens, move the robot to it's zero position using the move_to_home_position.launch launchfile.