Only released in EOL distros:
art_vehicle: applanix | art_common | art_image | art_map | art_msgs | art_nav | art_pilot | art_run | art_servo | art_teleop | simulator_art
Package Summary
No API documentation
Simulator for Austin Robot Technology autonomous vehicle.
- Author: Jack O'Quin
- License: GPL
- Repository: utexas-ros-pkg
- Source: svn
art_vehicle: applanix | art_common | art_image | art_map | art_msgs | art_nav | art_observers | art_pilot | art_run | art_servo | art_teleop | simulator_art
Package Summary
Simulator for Austin Robot Technology autonomous vehicle.
- Author: Jack O'Quin
- License: GPL
- Source: svn
art_vehicle: applanix | art_common | art_image | art_map | art_msgs | art_nav | art_observers | art_pilot | art_run | art_servo | art_teleop | simulator_art
Package Summary
Simulator for Austin Robot Technology autonomous vehicle.
- Author: Jack O'Quin
- License: GPL
- Source: svn
art_vehicle: applanix | art_common | art_image | art_map | art_msgs | art_nav | art_observers | art_pilot | art_run | art_servo | art_teleop | simulator_art
Package Summary
Simulator for Austin Robot Technology autonomous vehicle.
- Author: Jack O'Quin
- License: GPL
- Source: svn
Modified version of stage/stageros customized to the needs of the ART vehicle. Provides a 2D simulation of the vehicle using a model of the vehicle's response to simulated actuator settings.Subscribed Topics
brake/state (art_msgs/BrakeState)- simulated brake position
- transmission gear currently selected
- simulated steering wheel position
- simulated throttle position
Published Topics
odom (nav_msgs/Odometry)- three-dimensional odometry of simulated vehicle
- true pose of simulated vehicle
- simulated time (if use_sim_time)
- simulated front Sick laser scans
~latitude (double, default: 29.446018)- latitude of map center
- longitude of map center
- publish simulated clock topic, if true
- Stage world file name
Provided tf Transforms
/odom → /vehicle- pose of simulated vehicle in the odometry frame of reference
rosrun simulator_art artstage <world>
Where <world> is the full path name of the stage world file to load. To run one of the world files included in this package, resolve it like this (all on one line):
rosrun simulator_art artstage $(rospack find simulator_art)/world/
To Do
- Improve vehicle model.
- Simulate additional lasers.
- Handle multiple vehicles.