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Running the warehouse

Description: How to start up and configure the Mongo DB server

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER


The mongodb package includes the mongod executable, which runs a MongoDB server. For convenience, we provide a wrapper that starts up this server and sets some configuration parameters from the ROS parameter server.

To start the server from the command line:

$ rosrun mongodb wrapper.py

Alternatively, here's an example of starting the server from a launch file and setting some parameters (the full list of parameters is in the package documentation).


  <node name="mongo" type="wrapper.py" pkg="mongodb">
    <param name="overwrite" value="true"/>
    <param name="database_location" value="/path/to/my/db"/>

  <param name="warehouse_port" value="27019"/>

Wiki: warehousewg/Tutorials/Launching the warehouse (last edited 2011-06-09 20:03:10 by BhaskaraMarthi)