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Description: Source installation instructions for rosjava jmdns libraries.

Tutorial Level: INTERMEDIATE

Next Tutorial: Publishing Services


The source installation process uses catkin+gradle to deposit jars in your local maven repository for reuse by other projects.


> mkdir -p ~/rosjava
> wstool init ~/rosjava/src https://raw.github.com/ros-java/rosjava_tools/hydro-devel/rosjava.rosinstall
> source /opt/ros/hydro/setup.bash
> cd ~/rosjava
> catkin_make

You can later just call gradle on the individual projects as needed. For example, from the root of the zeroconf_jmdns_suite directory:

> ./gradlew clean install installApp


Follow the instructions in the jmdns tutorials.

Wiki: zeroconf_jmdns_suite/Tutorials/hydro/Installation (last edited 2013-06-26 13:44:25 by DanielStonier)