Building Manager/February 14, 2011

Meeting canceled due to conflict


  • Ken: wrapped up ros_comm/rosh for Diamondback. Working on new slidedeck to present work.
  • Bhaskara, Nate: Warehouse v1 done

  • Gil: I have RIDE running as an app within the app_manager/multimaster framework. It would probably be good to meet with I guess the building subteam to talk about design decisions and next steps. Who's on that subteam besides Ken and Jeremy?

This week

  • Ken: start hacking on app manager
  • Nate & Bhaskara: Work with Bill and Ethan to work out any kinks with the warehouse

Wiki: Projects/Building Manager/February 14, 2011 (last edited 2011-02-15 00:29:08 by NateKoenig)