Note: This tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous tutorials: Robots/REEM-C/Tutorials/launch. |
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Play pre-recorded motions on REEM-C
Description: This tutorial will show you how to play pre-recorded motions on the REEM-C robot.Tutorial Level: BEGINNER
Next Tutorial: Robots/REEM-C/Tutorials/moveit
In order to go through this tutorial, you should have a Gazebo simulation of REEM-C running as per the previous tutorial.
Run the joint trajectory controller
This controller is in charge of dispatching trajectory commands to the joints.
roslaunch reemc_controller_configuration joint_trajectory_controllers.launch
Playing a pre-recorded squatting motion
We will use a tool called play_motion to play a squatting motion. The motion simply consists of a single pose, and the joint trajectory controllers will interpolate a trajectory to reach this pose.
First, fire up an actionlib client:
rosrun actionlib /play_motion
Fill the action goal as per the following:
motion_name: 'squat' skip_planning: True priority: 0
After clicking the 'Send goal' button, you will see the robot squat on your Gazebo window.
To get back up, play the home_legs motion. Then you may play the home motion, even with skip_planning to False as it will use MoveIt! to compute a safe plan to get back to that position with it's arms.
The motions are stored in a human-readable YAML file in reemc_bringup/config/reemc_motions.yaml and are loaded in the param server on startup, you can check which movements are available with:
rosparam list | grep play_motion
Which will get you something like:
/play_motion/motions/hands_front/joints /play_motion/motions/hands_front/points /play_motion/motions/hands_up/joints /play_motion/motions/hands_up/points /play_motion/motions/home/joints /play_motion/motions/home/meta/description /play_motion/motions/home/meta/name /play_motion/motions/home/meta/usage /play_motion/motions/home/points /play_motion/motions/home_legs/joints /play_motion/motions/home_legs/points /play_motion/motions/interact/joints /play_motion/motions/interact/meta/description /play_motion/motions/interact/meta/name /play_motion/motions/interact/meta/usage /play_motion/motions/interact/points /play_motion/motions/small_squat/joints /play_motion/motions/small_squat/points /play_motion/motions/squat/joints /play_motion/motions/squat/points