• Diff for "vrep_ros_plugin"
Differences between revisions 4 and 5
Revision 4 as of 2014-04-09 14:59:13
Size: 894
Editor: jokla
Revision 5 as of 2014-04-09 15:27:03
Size: 954
Editor: jokla
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Vrep_ros_plugin contains the main code of the bridge. We started from a plugin template called v_repExtPluginSkeleton that you can find in the V-REP folder "/programming". You can find more information about the plugins in V-REP [[http://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/plugins.htm/|here]]. Vrep_ros_plugin contains the main code of the bridge. We wrote Vrep_ros_plugin starting from a template called v_repExtPluginSkeleton, available in the V-REP folder "/programming" with the porpoise to create your own plugin. You can find more information about the plugins in V-REP [[http://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/plugins.htm/|here]].
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Only released in EOL distros:  

vrep_ros_bridge: camera_handler | contact_handler | force_sensor_handler | imu_handler | manipulator_handler | quadrotor_handler | rigid_body_handler | vrep_ros_plugin

Package Summary

The vrep_ros_plugin package

  • Maintainer: Giovanni Claudio <giovanni.claudio AT inria DOT fr>
  • Author: Riccardo Spica <riccardo.spica AT inria DOT fr>, Giovanni Claudio <giovanni.claudio AT inria DOT fr>
  • License: BSD
  • Source: git https://github.com/lagadic/vrep_ros_bridge.git (branch: master)
vrep_ros_bridge: camera_handler | contact_handler | force_sensor_handler | imu_handler | manipulator_handler | quadrotor_handler | rigid_body_handler | vrep_ros_plugin

Package Summary

The vrep_ros_plugin package

  • Maintainer: Giovanni Claudio <giovanni.claudio AT inria DOT fr>
  • Author: Riccardo Spica <riccardo.spica AT inria DOT fr>, Giovanni Claudio <giovanni.claudio AT inria DOT fr>
  • License: BSD
  • Source: git https://github.com/lagadic/vrep_ros_bridge.git (branch: master)
vrep_ros_bridge: camera_handler | contact_handler | force_sensor_handler | imu_handler | manipulator_handler | quadrotor_handler | rigid_body_handler | vrep_ros_plugin

Package Summary

The vrep_ros_plugin package

  • Maintainer: Giovanni Claudio <giovanni.claudio AT inria DOT fr>
  • Author: Riccardo Spica <riccardo.spica AT inria DOT fr>, Giovanni Claudio <giovanni.claudio AT inria DOT fr>
  • License: BSD
  • Source: git https://github.com/lagadic/vrep_ros_bridge.git (branch: master)


Vrep_ros_bridge is a meta-package. It contains the Vrep_ros_plugin and all the handlers.

Vrep_ros_plugin contains the main code of the bridge. We wrote Vrep_ros_plugin starting from a template called v_repExtPluginSkeleton, available in the V-REP folder "/programming" with the porpoise to create your own plugin. You can find more information about the plugins in V-REP here.

Ros V-Rep Plugin used the pluginlib package pluginlib package. Pluginlib is a C++ library for loading and unloading plugins from within a ROS package. Plugins (the handlers) are dynamically loadable classes that are loaded from a runtime library (i.e. shared object, dynamically linked library). In this way ours handler are actually plugins with some dependencies.

Wiki: vrep_ros_plugin (last edited 2014-04-09 15:33:31 by jokla)