Note: This tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous tutorials: TurtleBot Bringup. |
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How to control your TurtleBot from an Android device
Description: This will walk you through how to control your TurtleBot from an Android phone or tablet.Tutorial Level: BEGINNER
Wifi Setup
To connect TurtleBot and an Android device, they must be on the same network.
Connect the Android device to the same wifi access point that the TurtleBot is connected to.
Prepare the TurtleBot
Start TurtleBot as it's documented in the TurtleBot Bringup tutorial, and remember robot's IP address.
Download Android App Chooser
This tutorial explains how to use already published Android apps. For more information on developing custom applications see the TurtleBot Android apps tutorials.
Go to Play store to install the ROS Application Chooser.
If you're looking for the app from your tablet, make sure you install the OSRF branded app (not the Willow Garage branded app).
Connect to the TurtleBot
Launch "AppChooser" from the applications list.
- Click "Add a robot"
On "Enter master URI" field, type in the following using the IP address for your TurtleBot instead of TURTLEBOT_IP
Your TurtleBot should appear in a list of known robots. There are other ways to add your robot to the app chooser. Detailed instructions can be consulted here.
Select your TurtleBot
- Click on Chirp
You should hear the TurtleBot moo. If you don't, check your network connectivity.
- There are two battery indicators in the top right, for robot and laptop.
Just on TurtleBot 1 there is also a gear. If it is red click on it. This will put the TurtleBot into "Active" mode, just like using the turtlebot_dashboard documented in the TurtleBot Bringup tutorial. All the same requirements exist such as the iRobot Create must be powered on first. If you get an "exception in service call to "set_operation_mode" that indicates that the Create driver is not running. Usually indicating that the Create is powered off or not plugged in. To recharge correctly the Create must be returned to passive mode. Press the green gear, and wait for it to turn red.
- There are a bunch of other apps built in which will work as distributed. Some of them (e.g. Chirp) are just executed on the robot, so from your device you can only start/stop them. Others (most of them) will start an app in the robot and a client on the device. If one of those apps is not installed, App chooser will redirect you to the Play Store to download it.
- Some of the apps up now are:
- Android Teleop controls the robot with a joystick interface on the touch screen.
Follower will launch the TurtleBot in turtlebot_follower/Tutorials/Demo mode.
Make a map and navigate a map allow you to redo what you learned on turtlebot navigation tutorials with an Android device instead of a workstation.
- Autodocking will make the robot look from its docking base and connect to it automatically.
- Muche more apps will come soon!