Only released in EOL distros:  

point_cloud_perception: point_cloud_converter

Package Summary

Convert between sensor_msgs::PointCloud and the sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 formats.

point_cloud_perception: point_cloud_converter

Package Summary

Convert between sensor_msgs::PointCloud and the sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 formats.


  1. Usage

DEPRECATED (Diamondback)


The point_cloud_converter package contains a single node (with the same name) that can be used to convert data between the old sensor_msgs/PointCloud and the new sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 data formats, and viceversa. To achieve this, the node accepts inputs on two ROS topics:

The outputs will be generated as follows:

  • if the input data is coming in on ~points_in as PointCloud messages, the output will go on ~points2_out as PointCloud2 messages;

  • if the input data is coming in on ~points2_in as PointCloud2 messages, the output will go on ~points_out as PointCloud messages.


$  rosrun point_cloud_converter point_cloud_converter points2_in:=/my_input_pointcloud2_topic points_out:=/my_output_pointcloud_topic
[ INFO] [1272222413.891331026]: PointCloudConverter initialized to transform from PointCloud (/points_in) to PointCloud2 (/points2_out).
[ INFO] [1272222413.891524710]: PointCloudConverter initialized to transform from PointCloud2 (/points2_in) to PointCloud (/points_out).

$  rosrun point_cloud_converter point_cloud_converter /points2_in:=my_input_pointcloud2_topic /points_out:=my_output_pointcloud_topic
[ INFO] [1272222329.786616389]: PointCloudConverter initialized to transform from PointCloud (/points_in) to PointCloud2 (/points2_out).
[ INFO] [1272222329.786817983]: PointCloudConverter initialized to transform from PointCloud2 (/my_input_pointcloud2_topic) to PointCloud (/my_output_pointcloud_topic).

Wiki: point_cloud_converter (last edited 2015-06-29 14:19:51 by SamPfeiffer)