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Launching the robot from the robot PC


Tutorial Level: BEGINNER

Next Tutorial: Launching the robot from a remote PC

For this tutorial one needs the following additional hardware:

1. PC monitor

2. USB Keboard

3. USB Mouse

Connect the Monitor keyboard and mouse to the robot back panel.

Before turning the robot on, we recommend placing the robot on a large box or piece of wood to prevent the wheels from touching the ground. Thus, we could safely command the robot to drive (and turn the wheels) without any concern of the robot pulling the monitor, keyboard, and mouse cables.

On the back of the robot turn the Power switch to ON position. The blue LED should be lit.

Turn the computer ON (this is the silver button), a short push is enough.

Open the a terminal window and launch the main robot launch file using:

$ roslaunch ric_board lizi101.launch

where lizi101.launch is your robot launch file. You can find your robot launch command by scanning the QR barcode on your robot.

Now, in a new terminal window, you can run the rqt GUI to read and display your robot sensors.

$ rqt

For additional help on reading the robot sensors see the individual sensors tutorials.

Wiki: ric_board/Tutorials/Launching the robot from the robot PC (last edited 2016-04-12 17:08:01 by yamgeva)