- Configuring a Robot's Diagnostic Aggregator
This tutorial will help you set up and configure a diagnostic aggregator, using the PR2 as an example. The Aggregator can be configured for a robot or type of robot to perform basic analysis on the diagnostics.
- Creating a Diagnostic Analyzer
An example of how to write your own diagnostic analyzer plug-in for the diagnostic_aggregator.
- Analyzing Diagnostic Logs Off-Line
This tutorial uses the diagnostic_analysis package to analyze a robot log file. These files are generated automatically by the robots when they're running and contain the entire diagnostics history of the robot. You can convert these log files into CSV files (comma separated value) that can be opened with any spreadsheet editor. This only works with diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray messages on the /diagnostics topic, used in the PR2 diagnostic toolchain.
- Using the Robot Monitor
The Robot Monitor is used to view the aggregated diagnostics of a robot. It's useful to view diagnostics data to diagnose and debug hardware and driver problems.
- Using the GenericAnalyzer
Uses the GenericAnalyzer to analyze diagnostics from EtherCAT devices, hardware drivers and robot computers. Shows the complete feature set of the GenericAnalyzer.
- Starting the Runtime Monitor
The runtime_monitor is a useful tool for monitoring the state of your robot. It subscribes to the "/diagnostics" topic and displays the data into a simple, easy to use, format.
- Adding Analyzers at Runtime
Use launch files or bonds and a service to add a new set of analyzers to the aggregator.
- Viewing Logged Diagnostics in rqt_bag
Use launch files or bonds and a service to add a new set of analyzers to the aggregator.
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